turns; turned; turning
to move around a central point [no obj]
to cause your body or a part of your body to face a different direction [no obj]
to cause (something or a side of something) to face an opposite or different direction [+ obj]
to move in a particular direction and especially toward the left or right [no obj]
[no obj] :to begin to go in a different direction
[no obj] of a tide :to begin to move in the opposite direction
to change into a different state or form [no obj]
[linking verb] :to change to a different state, condition, etc. :become
[+ obj] :to cause (someone or something) to change in a specified way
[linking verb] :to reach a particular age
[+ obj] :to change the volume, temperature, channel, etc., of (something) by pressing a button, moving a switch, etc.
[+ obj] :to direct (your thoughts, attention, etc.) toward or away from something :to start or stop thinking about or paying attention to someone or something
[+ obj] :to earn (a profit)
[+ obj] :to perform (a particular action)
[+ obj] :to form (a sentence, phrase, etc.) in a particular way
[+ obj] :to injure (your ankle) by moving it in an unnatural way
[+ obj] :to create or shape (something) from a piece of wood or metal by using a special machine (called a lathe)
turn against
[phrasal verb]
a turn against (someone or something) :to stop supporting or being friendly to (someone or something)
b turn (someone) against (someone) :to cause (someone) to stop being friendly toward (someone)
turn (something) against (someone) :to use (something) in a way that harms (someone)
turn around
or chiefly Brit turn round [phrasal verb]
turn around or turn around (something) or turn (something) around :to cause a vehicle to travel in the opposite direction
to change and become better or more successful
b turn around (something) or turn (something) around :to change (something) in a way that makes it better or more successful
turn around and (do something) informal :to act in an unexpected or surprising way by doing (something specified)
turn away
[phrasal verb]
turn away (someone) or turn (someone) away :to refuse to allow (someone) to enter a place
turn back
[phrasal verb]
to move in the opposite direction in order to return to a place
to return to an earlier place or time
turn back (someone or something) or turn (someone or something) back
to force (someone or something) to move in an opposite direction
to force (someone or something) to return to a place
turn down
[phrasal verb]
turn down (something) or turn (something) down :to lower the volume, temperature, etc., of something by pressing a button, moving a switch, etc.
turn down (something) or turn (something) down :to fold (something) down or back
turn down (someone or something) or turn (someone or something) down :to say no to (someone or something) especially in a polite way
turn in
[phrasal verb]
to enter a place by turning from a road or path
to go to bed
turn (something) in or turn in (something)
a chiefly US :to give (something) to a person who will review or accept it
to return (something that you have borrowed, found, etc.)
to perform or produce (something)
turn (someone) in
to give control of (someone) to the police or some other authority
to give information about the location of (someone who has committed a crime) to the police or some other authority
turn loose
see let loose at 1loose
turn off
[phrasal verb]
to go in a direction that moves you away from a straight course or main road
turn off (something) or turn (something) off :to stop the operation or flow of (something) by pressing a button, moving a switch, etc.
turn (someone) off or turn off (someone) informal :to cause a strong feeling of dislike in (someone) :to be unappealing to (someone)
turn on
[phrasal verb]
turn on (something) or turn (something) on :to cause (something) to work or flow by pressing a button, moving a switch, etc.
turn (someone) on or turn on (someone) informal :to cause (someone) to feel excitement or enjoyment :to be appealing to (someone)
turn (someone) on to (something) :to cause (someone) to use or become interested in (something) for the first time
turn on (someone or something) :to attack or criticize (someone or something) in a sudden or unexpected way
turn on/upon (something)
to be determined or decided by (something)
to have (something) as a main subject or interest
turn (something) on (someone or something) :to use (something, such as a weapon) to harm, stop, or kill (someone or something)
turn out
[phrasal verb]
to leave your home in order to participate in or do something
to happen, end, or develop in a particular way
b turn out to be (something) - used to say that something or someone eventually becomes something or is found to have a particular identity, quality, ability, etc.
c turn out like (someone or something) :to become like (someone or something)
turn out (something) or turn (something) out
to cause (something) to face or point outward
to cause (a lamp, flashlight, etc.) to no longer produce light by pushing a button, moving a switch, etc.
to produce (something)
to cause (something, such as a pocket) to become inside out
to empty the contents of (something) especially for cleaning or organizing
turn (someone) out or turn out (someone)
to force (someone) to leave a place or position
to dress (yourself or someone else) in a careful or fancy way - usually (be) turned out
turn over
[phrasal verb]
to move and face the opposite direction
b turn over (someone or something) or turn (someone or something) over :to cause (someone or something) to face the opposite direction
of an engine :to start to work
turn over (something) or turn (something) over
to earn (a particular amount of money)
b US sports :to allow the other team to get possession of (a ball)
turn (someone or something) over to (someone) or turn over (someone or something) to (someone) :to give the control or responsibility of (someone or something) to (someone)
turn (something) over to (something) or turn over (something) to (something) :to change the use of (something, such as land or a building)
turn over (something) in your mind or turn (something) over in your mind :to think about (something) in order to understand it or make a decision
chiefly Brit :to change the channel on a television set
turn over (a place) or turn (a place) over Brit slang :to make a mess of (a place) while robbing it
turn to
[phrasal verb]
turn to (someone or something) :to go to (someone or something) for support, information, etc.
turn to (something)
to become involved in or with (something)
to begin to deal with (something different) as a topic
to turn the pages of a book, magazine, etc., until you have reached the desired or specified page
turn up
[phrasal verb]
to be found usually unexpectedly
to be found to be in a specified condition
c turn up (something) or turn (something) up :to find or discover (something)
to happen unexpectedly
to arrive at a place
to appear in a place
turn up (something) or turn (something) up
to increase the volume, temperature, etc., of something by pressing a button, moving a switch, etc.
to make (a skirt, a pair of pants, etc.) shorter
plural turns
[count] an opportunity or responsibility to do or use something before or after other people
an act of turning something around a central point
an act of changing the direction that someone or something is facing or moving in
a change in the state or condition of something - usually used with take
a US :a place where a road connects to another road that goes in a different direction
a place where a road, path, etc., changes direction
an act that affects someone in a particular way
a public appearance or performance
old-fashioned :a short walk or ride - usually singular
old-fashioned :a sudden feeling of being frightened - usually singular
Brit old-fashioned :a sudden, short period of feeling slightly ill, faint, or dizzy - usually singular
at every turn
in a constant or continuous way :each time a person tries to do something
by turns
used to describe different things that happen one after another
done to a turn
Brit :cooked, performed, etc., in a perfect way :done to perfection
in turn
following one after another in a particular order
as a result
on the turn
Brit :about to start changing
out of turn
not at the time you are expected to do something according to a set order
at a wrong or improper time or place
take turns
also Brit take it in turns
If people take turns doing or using something or take it in turns to do or use something, they do or use it one after another in order to share the responsibility or opportunity of doing or using it.
the turn of the century
the beginning of a new century
turn of mind
a way of thinking
turn of phrase
a way of saying or describing something
turn of speed
Brit :an increase in speed or progress