used to say that people or things are together in one place
used to say that two or more people or things are doing something together or are involved in something
having (a particular characteristic, possession, etc.)
using (something specified)
used to refer to the feeling, thought, quality, etc., that someone has or experiences when doing something
used to indicate the cause of something
used to say that something fills something, covers something, etc.
used to indicate a related fact or situation
used to indicate the specific thing or person that is being referred to
used to say that someone has a relationship with a person, organization, etc.
used to say that someone or something is the object of attention, behavior, or a feeling
in the performance, condition, behavior, or quality of (something or someone)
in opposition to or against (someone)
so as to be separated from (someone or something)
a - used to say that you agree with or understand someone
supporting the beliefs or goals of (someone) :on the side of (someone)
in the opinion or judgment of (someone)
according to the experience or behavior of (someone)
as successfully as (someone)
used to say that things happen at the same time
in a way that changes according to (something)
in the same direction as (something)
used to say that someone or something is included in a total number or amount
in spite of (something)
used to indicate the object of an adverb in a type of command
what with
with it
in a state in which you are thinking clearly and aware of what is happening
knowing a lot about current styles, ideas, or events
with that
immediately after doing or saying that