plural hearts
[count] :the organ in your chest that pumps blood through your veins and arteries
[count] :the front part of your chest
[count] :the heart thought of as the place where emotions are felt
a kind or generous feeling for other people [noncount]
[noncount] :feelings of love or affection
[noncount] :emotional strength that allows you to continue in a difficult situation
a the heart :the central or most important part of something
[count] :the central part of some vegetables
[count] :a shape that looks like a simple drawing of a heart and that is used as a symbol of love and affection
[count] :a playing card that is marked with a red heart
b hearts [plural] :the suit in a deck of playing cards that consists of cards marked by hearts
absence makes the heart grow fonder
at heart
at the most basic level
as a main concern
break someone's heart
to cause someone to feel great sorrow or sadness
by heart
from memory
close/dear/near to your heart
very personally and emotionally important to you
cross my heart
cry your heart out
do your heart good
to make you feel very happy
eat your heart out
faint of heart
from the bottom of your heart
or from the/your heart
in a very sincere way
harden your heart
have your heart set on (something)
or set your heart on (something)
When you have your heart set on something or when you set your heart on something, you want it very much.
heart in your mouth
If your heart is in your mouth, you are very excited or nervous about something.
heart is knocking
heart skips a beat
When you say that your heart skipped a beat or that something made your heart skip a beat, it means that you suddenly became very surprised, excited, or nervous about something.
heavy heart
a feeling of sadness
know your own heart
light heart
a feeling of happiness
lose heart
to begin to feel that you cannot do something that you have been trying to do :to become discouraged
lose your heart
to fall in love with someone
usually + to
open your heart
to talk in a very open and honest way about your feelings
to begin to be generous and kind
pour your heart out
sick at heart
very sad and upset
sing/dance/play (etc.) your heart out
to sing/dance/play (etc.) with great energy or effort
take heart
to begin to feel better and more hopeful :to stop feeling sad or discouraged
take (something) to heart
to be deeply affected or hurt by something
to your heart's content
until you feel satisfied :as long or as much as you want
warm the cockles of your heart
with all your heart
in a very sincere and deeply felt way
your heart bleeds for
If your heart bleeds for someone, you feel great sadness or pity for that person.
your heart leaps
When your heart leaps, you become very happy or joyful about something.
your heart melts
When your heart melts, you begin to feel love, affection, or sympathy for someone or something.
your heart sinks
When your heart sinks, you become sad or disappointed about something.