reaches; reached; reaching
to be able to touch, pick up, or grab (something) by moving or stretching [+ obj]
to move or stretch (your hand, arm, etc.) when you are trying to touch or grab something [+ obj]
+ out, into, up, etc.
usually + out, into, up, etc.
[+ obj] :to arrive at (a place that you have been traveling to)
used to say that something is big or long enough to touch a certain place or point; [+ obj]
[+ obj] to grow, develop, or increase to (a particular amount, size, etc.)
to come to (a particular situation or condition)
to succeed in achieving (something) after making an effort over a period of time
not used in the progressive tenses [+ obj]
to be seen or heard by (someone)
to call or write to (someone) :to communicate with (someone)
[+ obj] :to get the attention or interest of (someone)
[+ obj] informal :to make (someone) understand or accept something
reach for
[phrasal verb]
reach for (someone or something) :to move your hand in order to get or touch (someone or something)
reach for (something) :to try hard to achieve or succeed at (something)
reach out
[phrasal verb]
to make an effort to do something for other people
reach out to (someone)
to offer help or support to (someone)
to try to get the attention and interest of (someone)
plural reaches
the distance that you can stretch your arm to touch, pick up, or grab something [singular]
the ability or power of someone or something to do, achieve, or control something [singular]
reaches [plural]
the parts of an area that are a long way from the center
levels of an organization
a straight part of a stream or river
within (easy) reach of
close to (something)