or Hell [singular] :the place where the devil lives and where evil people go after they die according to some religions
a very difficult or unpleasant situation or experience [noncount]
informal + impolite - used to express anger, annoyance, etc.
all hell breaks loose
informal - used to describe what happens when violent, destructive, and confused activity suddenly begins
as hell
informal + somewhat impolite - used to make a statement more forceful
catch hell
chiefly US informal + somewhat impolite :to be yelled at or criticized in a very angry and severe way
come hell or high water
informal - used to say that something will definitely happen or be done even though other events or situations might make it difficult
for the hell of it
informal + somewhat impolite :for the fun of doing something :without having a particular reason
from hell
informal + somewhat impolite - used to describe someone or something that is very bad or unpleasant
give (someone) hell
informal + somewhat impolite :to yell at or criticize (someone) in an angry way
go to hell
informal + impolite
used to show that you are very angry with someone
to become completely ruined :to fail completely
go to hell in a handbasket
hell of a
informal + somewhat impolite
used to make a statement more forceful
very good
very bad or difficult
hell on
US informal + somewhat impolite - used to describe something that causes a lot of damage or trouble
hell to pay
in hell
informal + impolite
used to make a statement more forceful
or in the hell US - used to make a question more forceful
like a bat out of hell
like hell
informal + impolite
very much
with a lot of energy and speed
very bad
used to say in an angry and forceful way that you will not do something, do not agree, etc.
play hell with
or Brit play merry hell with
to cause many problems for (someone or something) :to have a very bad effect on (someone or something)
raise hell
informal + somewhat impolite
to complain in a loud or angry way
to behave wildly and make a lot of noise
the hell
informal + impolite
used to make a statement or question more forceful
used to say in an angry and forceful way that you will not do something, do not agree, etc.
the hell out of
informal + impolite - used for emphasis after words like scare, frighten, and beat
to hell and back
Someone who goes to hell and back experiences a very difficult or unpleasant situation often for a long time.
to hell with
or the hell with
informal + impolite - used to say in a forceful and angry way that you do not care about someone or something.
what the hell
informal + impolite
used to express anger, surprise, etc.
used to say that you are not worried about or bothered by something
when hell freezes over
informal + impolite - used to say that you think that something will never happen