plural necks
[count] the part of the body between the head and the shoulders
the part of a piece of clothing that fits around your neck
a long and narrow part of something :a part that is shaped like a neck
breathe down someone's neck
dead from the neck up
get it in the neck
Brit informal :to be severely punished or criticized
neck and neck
extremely close together in a race or contest
neck of the woods
informal :the place or area where someone lives
risk your neck
to do something that puts you in danger of serious injury or death
save someone's neck
stick your neck out
to do or say something you think is important even though it may have bad results
up to your neck in
deeply involved in or affected by (something)
wring someone's neck
necks; necked; necking
[no obj] old-fashioned + informal :to kiss for a long time in a sexual way