plural -tons
[count] a small, usually round piece of plastic, glass, metal, etc., that is sewn to a piece of clothing and is pushed through a loop or hole to fasten one part of the clothing to another part
see color picture
US :a small, usually round sign that has a picture or words on the front and a pin on the back
People pin buttons to their clothing to show support for a person or idea.
a small part of a machine that you push to make the machine work
a small area on a computer screen that you click on to make the computer software do something
(as) cute as a button
informal :very cute
on the button
US informal
exactly at the specified time
perfectly accurate
push the right buttons
informal :to do the things that are needed to produce a desired effect or result
push your buttons
informal :to do or say something just to make you angry or upset
-tons; -toned; -toning
[+ obj] :to attach (a button) by passing it through a hole
[+ obj] :to close or fasten (something) with buttons
[no obj] :to have buttons for fastening
button it
informal + impolite - used to tell someone to stop talking
button your lip/lips
or keep your lip/lips buttoned
US informal :to not talk about something