She bought a work of art consisting of three square pieces of red plastic on a mauve ground. He keeps trying to put square pegs into round holes
With this payment, our accounts are now all square
Make sure that the corners are perfectly square
I have never had anything but square dealings with Fred Latham
You could always count on three square meals a day when staying at Auntie Maisie's
We were at the age when anyone over 25 was considered square
He took a square of wood and quickly carved it into the shape of a duck
We like to sit on the benches in the square outside my house and chat with the neighbours
My parents did not understand me - they were real old squares
I squared my shoulders and prepared for the worst
These activities do not square with the plans set out by the directors
Ronald was unable to square his beliefs with what they were teaching him at the seminary
Don't worry about the customs officials - I'll square it with them later on