If you use a hammer you might damage the surface. Why do you have to use bad language?
She used her smile to lure men on. Dorothy never forgave Conrad for the way he used her and her contacts to get his job
He has never used a habit-forming substance
Which kind of detergent do you use?
He used up all the toothpaste. She used up her entire inheritance gambling
The use of unleaded fuel is recommended
What's the use of a radio that doesn't work?
Long use has worn the workbench smooth
He lost the use of his right arm in an accident at work
We paid a high fee for the use of this parking space
The use of cigarettes has diminished in the last decade
I have tried to help him overcome his habit, but what's the use? Many are the uses of adversity
The world has as much use for art as for engineering
We have no use for cowards in this regiment