All rise when the judge enters the court
We usually rise at about six o'clock
The smoke slowly, almost furtively, rose from the camp-fire into the still night air. The morning star can be seen tomorrow rising in the sky just before dawn. Some of those skyscrapers rise to a height of 110 storeys
If the food shortages persist, the people are sure to rise up and overthrow the present regime
Owing to the heavy rains, the river is rising rapidly
The path rises steeply just beyond the cwm
At the roar of the gun, tens of thousands of flamingoes rose from the lakes
Fielding could well have risen in the company had his attitude been different
I cannot explain how so much bad feeling rose between us
When interest rates rise, they contribute to the inflation that raising them was supposed to reduce
The feelings that rose within him were spurred on by sheer hatred of the man
rise to
If you need a good man, you can count on Michael to rise to the occasion
Sue rose to the bait of a company car and accepted our offer
As we climbed a slight rise, we saw the mountains gleaming in the distance
In return for only a slight rise in wages, they are being asked to take on much more responsibility
The balloon's rise was suddenly halted when the basket caught in a tree
We finally got a rise out of Sidney by threatening to charge him for cleaning his room
We never discovered what gave rise to Tom's dislike of