There is just enough light for me to read the label
I saw a light in the distance. Someone turned off the lights
The light of the full moon shone through the window
We leave at first light
After an hour's talk with his lawyer, he finally saw the light and confessed. Can you shed a little light on this problem, Robyn?
The west wall has three windows of six lights each
Can you give me a light for my cigarette?
Note the chiaroscuro effect from the lights and shadows in the drawing
A vital fact has recently been brought to light
The truth about her parents has finally come to light
In the light of his condition, he has decided to pull out of the competition
Perhaps you could throw some light on the reason why she refuses to leave the house
The lightest room in the house is the kitchen
Put the light blue chair over here
It's getting chilly, so you'd better light the fire. When the bomb was in place, they lit the fuse
Take this candle to light your way to the bedroom
Light the lamps
The moment she walked in, the whole room lit up. Her face lit up when she saw him
I bought some light garden furniture
Isn't Ted a bit light for his height?
There is a very light pencil mark on the paper
A light breeze rippled the surface of the pool
He felt the light brush of her lips on his
The party was a very light affair
When dancing, he may be light on his feet, but he's not very light on mine
Featherstone is a bit too light in the head to be a good manager
No‰l has written another light drawing-room comedy
After my surgery, I was able to resume light duties at the office. The tax on such a small income is very light. You should take some light exercise every day
The book hasn't much substance, but it makes good light reading
The teacher made light of my attempts to play the concerto
The bird was so tame it lighted on my finger
He really lit into the challenger in the third round. Her mother lit into her for not doing her homework
She claimed she lit upon the formula when reading some ancient hieroglyphics