plural packs
[count] a bag or bundle of objects that is carried on a person's or animal's back
chiefly US
a small paper or cardboard package in which small things are sold
the amount contained in one pack
Brit :packet 2b
a complete set of playing cards :deck
a group of similar people or things
a large number of people who are grouped together during a race or competition - usually singular
a group of usually wild animals that hunt together
an organized group of Cub Scouts
b chiefly Brit :an organized group of Brownies
a thick, wet substance that is put on the skin as a beauty treatment
a folded cloth that is pressed against a part of the body to reduce pain or stop bleeding from an injury
packs; packed; packing
[+ obj] :to put (something) into a bag, suitcase, etc., so that you can take it with you
to put things into (a bag, box, etc.) [+ obj]
[+ obj] :to put (something) into a box or other container so that it can be moved, stored, or protected
[+ obj] :to fill (a place) with as many people as possible
b always followed by a preposition [no obj] :to gather close together as a group
[+ obj] :to put a large amount of something into (something)
[+ obj] :to make (dirt, snow, etc.) more firm or solid by pressing down on it
[+ obj] US :to unfairly control the kinds of people or things that are in (a group, list, etc.) in order to get the result you want
[+ obj] somewhat informal :to have or be able to produce (something powerful)
US informal :to wear or carry (a weapon) [+ obj]
pack a punch/wallop
informal :to be very forceful or effective
pack away
[phrasal verb]
pack (something) away or pack away (something) :to put (something) in a safe place to be used at a later time
pack in
[phrasal verb]
Brit informal :to stop or quit
a pack in (someone or something) or pack (someone or something) in :to cause (someone or something) to fit into a small space
b pack in (people) or pack (people) in :to cause (large groups of people) to come to a show or performance
pack in (something)
a US informal :to stop using (something) forever
b Brit informal :to give up doing (something)
pack it in informal :to stop doing a job or an activity :quit
pack in/into
[phrasal verb]
pack (something) in/into (something) :to put (a large amount of something) into (something)
pack off
[phrasal verb]
pack (someone) off :to send (someone) away to a different place - usually + to
pack on the pounds
or pack on five/ten/fifteen (etc.) pounds
chiefly US informal :to gain weight or a certain amount of weight
pack out
[phrasal verb]
pack out (a place) Brit :to cause (a place) to be filled with people
pack up
[phrasal verb]
pack up or pack up (something) or pack (something) up
to gather things together so that you can take them with you
b Brit informal :to stop or quit :to give up doing (something)
Brit informal :to stop working properly
pack your bags
to leave a place
send (someone or something) packing