/ˈdaɪ/ dies; died; dying /ˈdajɪŋ/
[no obj] :to stop living
[no obj] :to end life in a specified state or condition - followed by an adjective, noun, or noun phrase
[+ obj] :to have or suffer (a specified kind of death)
[no obj] :to wish strongly or desperately for something or to do something - used as (be) dying
[no obj]
to pass out of existence :to come to an end
to disappear gradually or become less strong
[no obj]
to stop working or running
to end in failure
die away
[phrasal verb]
to disappear gradually or become less strong
die back
[phrasal verb] of a plant :to die in the parts that are above the ground but to remain alive in the roots
die down
[phrasal verb]
to gradually become less strong
die hard
to take a long time to die or end :to continue for a long time
die in bed
or die in your bed
to die of disease or old age
die laughing
informal :to laugh for a long time in an uncontrollable way :to laugh very hard
die of
[phrasal verb]
die of (something) :to die because of (something)
People often say that they are dying of something that causes a lot of discomfort, distress, etc.
die off
[phrasal verb]
to die one after another so that fewer and fewer are left
die on the vine
informal :to fail at an early stage because of a lack of support or enthusiasm
die out
[phrasal verb]
to disappear gradually
never say die
used to encourage someone to continue something or to remain hopeful
to die for
informal :worth dying for :extremely desirable or appealing
[count] pl dice /ˈdaɪs/ :1dice
pl dies /ˈdaɪz/ :a tool that is used for cutting, shaping, or stamping a material or an object
the die is cast
used to say that a process or course of action has been started and that it cannot be stopped or changed