-pens; -pened; -pening
[no obj]
to take place especially without being planned :occur
not used in progressive tenses
to do or be something by chance - followed by to + verb
b - used with it to describe something that occurs by chance
c - used to make an angry or forceful statement; followed by to + verb
happen along
or happen by
[phrasal verb] US literary + old-fashioned :to come to or by a place by chance
happen into
[phrasal verb]
happen into (a place) US :to enter (a place) by chance
happen on/upon
[phrasal verb]
happen on/upon (someone or something) literary + old-fashioned :to find or meet (someone or something) by chance
happen to
[phrasal verb]
happen to (someone or something) :to affect or involve (someone or something) as the result of an event or action