/ˈspiːk/ speaks; spoke /ˈspoʊk/; spoken /ˈspoʊkən/; speaking
[no obj] :to say words in order to express your thoughts, feelings, opinions, etc., to someone :to talk to someone
[no obj] :to talk about a particular subject or person - often + about or of
[no obj] :to say words to express yourself in a particular way
[+ obj] :to say (something) to someone
to use your voice to say words [no obj]
[no obj] :to be willing to talk to someone after having a disagreement, fight, etc.
[+ obj] :to use (a particular language) to talk to someone
[no obj] :to talk about something formally to a group of people :to make or give a speech
synonyms speak and talk mean to express yourself by saying words. speak refers to anything that is said, whether it is understood or not and whether it is heard or not.
actions speak louder than words
in a manner of speaking
so to speak
used to indicate that you are using words in an unusual or figurative way rather than a literal way
speak for
[phrasal verb]
speak for (someone) :to express the thoughts or opinions of (someone)
speak for (something or someone) chiefly US :to show that (something or someone) does or does not deserve to be praised, admired, etc.
be spoken for :to not be available because of already being claimed by someone else or in a relationship with someone else
speak of
[phrasal verb]
speak of (someone or something) :to talk or write about (someone or something) :to mention (a subject) in speech or writing
speak of (something) :to indicate or suggest (something)
speak of (someone or something)
to talk about (someone or something) in a specified way
b chiefly US :to show that (someone or something) does or does not deserve to be praised, admired, etc.
speak of the devil
speak out
[phrasal verb]
to speak freely and confidently about something :to express an opinion in an open way
speak the same language
speak up
[phrasal verb]
to speak loudly and clearly
to speak at a meeting, in a class, etc.
to speak freely and confidently about something :to express an opinion openly
speak volumes
speak your mind
to speak of
worth mentioning or noticing