away from a place
away from a main road, path, etc.
at a distance in time or space
used to describe something that moves or is moved so that it is no longer on something or attached to something
into sleep
a - used to describe stopping something
b - used to describe getting something into a desired condition especially by removing something
c - used to describe finishing something
away from regular work
off and on
or on and off
starting, stopping, and starting again :not constant or steady over a period of time
used to indicate separation, distance, or removal from someone or something
on money, food, energy, etc., supplied by (someone or something)
used to indicate something that someone is no longer doing or using
used to indicate the object of an action
used to indicate the source or cause of something
below the usual standard or level of (something)
off of
chiefly US informal :off
not used before a noun :not attached to or covering something :not on
a not used before a noun :not operating, functioning, or flowing
in a position that stops the flow of electricity, water, etc.
away from home or work
not used before a noun :not happening
not used before a noun chiefly US :not correct :wrong
always used before a noun :very small in degree :slight
always used before a noun :not as busy or active as other periods of time
not used before a noun :not completely sane
not used before a noun - used to ask about or describe someone's situation or condition
not used before a noun chiefly US :below the usual price or value
chiefly US :not as good as usual
not used before a noun Brit :not being served :no longer on the menu
not used before a noun chiefly Brit :no longer fresh :spoiled
not used before a noun Brit informal :not polite or friendly
be off
to leave :to start going, running, etc.
offs; offed; offing
[+ obj] US slang :to kill or murder (someone)
the off
the beginning of a race
the very beginning