bows; bowed; bowing
[no obj] :to bend forward at the neck or waist as a formal way of greeting someone or showing respect
[+ obj] :to turn (your head) down so that you are looking toward the ground
[no obj] :to stop trying to fight or resist something :to agree to do or accept something that you have been resisting or opposing - usually + to
bow and scrape
to treat someone who is powerful or wealthy in an extremely respectful way especially in order to get approval, friendship, etc.
bow down to
[phrasal verb]
bow down to (someone or something) :to show weakness by agreeing to the demands or following the orders of (someone or something)
bow out
[phrasal verb]
to stop doing something :to stop being involved in a contest, an activity, etc.
plural bows
[count] :the act of bending forward at the neck or waist in order to greet someone or show respect :the act of bowing
take a bow
to bow towards an audience that is applauding for you
plural bows
[count] :the front part of a boat or ship
plural bows
[count] a knot that is made by tying a ribbon or string into two or more loops and that is used for tying shoelaces or for decoration
a weapon used for shooting arrows that is made of a long, thin piece of wood which is bent with its ends connected by a tight, strong string
a tool that is used for playing a violin or similar musical instrument and that is made of a thin stick of wood with its ends connected by stretched pieces of hair or fiber - see picture at stringed instrument - compare 2bow, 3bow
bows; bowed; bowing
[+ obj] :to use a bow to play (a violin or similar musical instrument)
to bend or curve [no obj]