/ˈstraɪd/ always followed by an adverb or preposition strides; strode /ˈstroʊd/; stridden /ˈstrɪdn̩/; striding /ˈstraɪdɪŋ/
[no obj] :to walk with very long steps
plural strides
[count] a long step
the distance covered by a long step
a way of walking
a change or improvement that brings someone closer to a goal - usually plural
break (your) stride
chiefly US :to stop walking or running in a regular and steady way
hit your stride
US or Brit get into your stride
to begin to do something in a confident and effective way after starting slowly
off stride
If you are walking or running and someone or something (chiefly US) throws/knocks you off (your) stride or (chiefly Brit) puts you off your stride, you are unable to continue walking or running steadily.
take (something) in stride
US or Brit take (something) in your stride
to deal with (something difficult or upsetting) in a calm way