plural -nals
[count] an event or act which shows that something exists or that gives information about something :sign
something (such as a sound, a movement of part of the body, or an object) that gives information about something or that tells someone to do something
a piece of equipment with colored lights that is used on railways and roads to tell people when to go, to slow down, or to stop
a message, sound, or image that is carried by waves of light or sound
a wave of light or sound that carries a message, sound, or image
busy signal
mixed signals
-nals; US -naled or Brit -nalled; US -naling or Brit -nalling
[+ obj] :to be a sign of (something) :to show the existence of (something)
to make a sound or motion that tells someone something [no obj]
always used before a noun
formal :very important or great :significant