nips; nipped; nipping
to bite or pinch (someone or something) lightly [+ obj]
+ at
[+ obj] US sports :to defeat (someone or something) by a small amount
always followed by an adverb or preposition [no obj] chiefly Brit informal :to go to a place quickly or for a short period of time
to harm or hurt (something) with cold [+ obj]
+ at
nip off
[phrasal verb]
nip off (something) or nip (something) off :to remove (something) by squeezing it tightly between your fingers or the parts of a tool
nip (something) in the bud
informal :to stop (something) immediately so that it does not become a worse problem
plural nips
[singular] :a feeling of cold
[count] :a light bite or pinch
plural nips
[count] informal :a small amount of liquor
a very small bottle of liquor - compare 2nip