-ishes; -ished; -ishing
to reach the end of (something) :to stop doing (something) because it is completed [+ obj]
to be done with building or creating (something) [+ obj]
to cause something to end or stop :to reach the end of something [+ obj]
[+ obj] to cause the ruin or failure of (someone or something)
to kill (someone or something already wounded) - usually + off
to defeat or exhaust (someone) completely - usually + off
[+ obj] :to use, eat, or drink all that is left of (something)
to end a race, competition, etc., in a specified position or manner [no obj]
[+ obj] :to put a final coat or surface on (something)
finishing touch
one of the last things done to make something complete - usually plural
finish with
[phrasal verb]
finish with (something) :to have no further need for (something) :to stop using (something)
finish with (someone) :to stop being involved with (someone) :to end a romantic relationship with (someone)
finish with (someone or something) :to stop dealing with, working on, or punishing (someone or something)
plural -ishes
[singular] :the last part of something :end, conclusion
[count] :the final coating on a surface or the appearance produced by such a coating