drains; drained; draining
[+ obj] :to remove (liquid) from something by letting it flow away or out
[no obj] of a container :to become empty of a liquid
[no obj] of a liquid :to flow into, away from, or out of something
[+ obj] :to cause (something) to lose something important - + of
to slowly be used up or to cause (something) to slowly be used up [+ obj]
usually + away
[+ obj] :to make (someone) very physically or mentally tired
[+ obj] :to drink all of the liquid in (something)
[+ obj] US sports informal :to make (a successful shot) in a very skillful and impressive way
drain off
[phrasal verb]
drain off (something) or drain (something) off
to cause (a liquid) to flow away from something or to leave the surface of something
to take (something important or valuable) from something
plural drains
[count] something (such as a pipe) that is used for removing a liquid from a place or container
something that uses a lot of time, money, etc. - usually singular; usually + on
down the drain
used to describe something that is being wasted or lost
used to describe something that is getting much worse